Purdue AWC Presents...
Speech Pitch Event
The Association for Women in Communication is a professional organization that champions the advancement of women across all communication disciplines by recognizing excellence, promoting leadership, and positioning its members at the forefront of the evolving communications era. As such, the Purdue University chapter of AWC will be hosting its first-ever Speed Pitch Event this October 17th! This event provides an opportunity for students to showcase their elevator pitch to professionals/mentors across a variety of disciplines. Students will be able to give their pitch and receive valuable feedback and critique from professionals through speed pitching rounds. During each round, students will rotate between mentors in order to receive a wider range of input and meet more mentors.
To join this opportunity, register below by selecting the icon "Student Registration Form" if you are a student, or "Professional Registration Form" if you are professional and then complete said form. Individuals will be able to select the time slots that best fit their schedule, and may select as many or as few options as they prefer. Shifts are on a first-come, first-serve basis. Company and professional names have been listed during their selected shift in order to give students an opportunity to select times slots that best match the professionals they are most interested in meeting.
Event Details:
When: October 17th, 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
(individual time dedication dependent upon selected shifts)
Where: Purdue University Stewart Center, Room 320,
128 Memorial Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907
Dress: Business Casual
Free Food Provided!
Note: Students and mentors alike will receive an email closer to the event date to purpose as a reminder. Students will also receive an email detailing how to prepare for the event and what to bring with them.
If there are any additional questions or concerns, please email our AWC chapter president at: dohert10@purdue.edu